“Excuse me?”etc, and other connotations of surprise.
Well I find that we easily tag an action or person as STUPID. What is studpidity? Why are we so judgemental? Its natural I agree. I use the word ‘stupid’ really easily. But then it struck me, that its not fair to label someone stupid without reason. For eg if someone called u stupid, u may not take to it very kindly. Cause even tho words like stupid, dumb etc aren’t “abusive” ,they are effective.
Now there is no point of writing on stupidity. So then why am I writing this??!!! Probably cause I just want to people to realize that we need to be sensitive to such words and use it discretely..even mentally.
I think there are two ways to look at a situation. The other day a classmate was explaining something in an incomprehensive manner. So I asked her to repeat it and she said “eh..your’e just stupid” I said “what??” I shook my head cause I didn’t want to say..your doing communicative eng but cant communicate!!! That;s rude..and then I’ll become her. I was angry but didn’t want to fight. But my sudden silence made her realize that that statement wont be forgotten and that I’ve lost my respect for her. I could’ve started an argument..but I found it amusing:) lol…she’s being stupid..not me.

When Julia Roberts came on the Oprah Winfrey Show, she said, there’s one thing I hate. I hate stupid people. I was laughing when she said this…but its true. We hate stupidity…because …well>? I dunno..we just do!
I think we rate a situation or a person as stupid by our own stupidity. What we feel is stupid and if another doesn’t agree..well then they’re stupid. Our judgements and wavelengths differ from people. And when people don’t get us, we brand them as stupid.
Today a friend of mine was put in a stituation which she didn’t explore enough. Thus lost out. I said to myself..that gal is so stupid!! This is cause I would’ve explored..and so I’m judging her by my standards.
Its unfair..but I’ll still think she behaved in a stupid manner.
So I’m working within me to control these ‘stupid’ labels and be more sensitive..like I said before..even I dunno the point of this post..just expressed my feelings..and want to know yours..confused myself LOL!!