Sunday, November 27, 2005

My latest obsession

Sean Farris!!!
I love him!!!he's so cute..n so hot!!his smile :) WOWIEE!
Somebody please help me get his no!??


gautami tripathy said...


the_ego_has_landed said...


Ramses said...

hmmm:-? dont know abt him...

he sure looks hot;) and whatever happend to tom cruise????:D:D

- Ubiquitous - said...

Ohhh, isn't he the guy from 'life as we know it'? Mmmm, hottie yeah, but got more pf a boyish charm bout him. :D

Bet your next post[er] will be called 'My latest possession'. =)

Well that's Ro, as we know her ;)

- Ubiquitous - said...


the_ego_has_landed said...

Tee hee..reyn!!really!

Babska said...

**~grin grin~**
PS> those asterixes indicate dimples!

agree with reyn...has that boyish tinge to him...
but he's yours!
take him away...
ahem ahem...