We stayed at Taj Green Cove Resort. A sexy place...check it out (when financially comfortable;p)
I loved it. we were so pampered...well its the Taj. They have a private beach. Tho we discovered the Leela Hotel -next door neighbour - was on a cliff right on the sea. Beautiful..wanna go back there someday. lOl
I've been waiting to get away...anywhere...n finally it was kerala. Our desination. Yep...God's own country.
I wish i could take pics in the plane cause when the plane tilted to kind of dive in, the sky and sea merged and suddenly it was all blue. I was like..shit where r we?? n then saw the coconut trees...and the excitement began!!:)
No cell phone!! no vibrations in my jeans pocket and no one calling me! YEH! it was bliss..tho i missed my frens n wished they were there with me to share my joy :)
p.s. messged once from mom's phone..tee hee...but still! i felt so free!
I've taken such a long break from blogging....but i always took pics...n thought..hm..wanna post this pic...tho i cant put up all the pics ( about 100- happens with a dig cam hehheh;typical tourist i agree...lol) here r a fw of my fav.

The famous backwaters of kerala! It was one pleasant evening boatride...but it was enough to last an impression in our minds. Im crazy about beautiful skies..fascinates me..
At the private beach...on the hammock...thats me:) oh man...i dint wanna leave :( that's the lagoon behind me.
the cool breeze and sea water spraying mildly on my cheeks... ah...almost paradise. almost,cause i may discover a better place...in the future;p
I was so impressed with the ROADS in Tiruvanthapuram! man..they were so smooth... we kept comparing bangalore..lol...no need to say more...
The city wasn't stagnated with traffic jams, cabs had awesome stereo systems :), roads were like highways or laid the previous day, people were proud of their culture -showed when we mixed around and visited the museum.
You can sleep on the floors of the airport or relax on their huge black leather sofas.
Then when i reached Bangalore...I really wanted to cry!!! This is my hometown n i love it. But it has deteriorated so much!!!I think it starts with the ppl. Prob is no one co-operates here.
Hm...maybe kerala's secret is its high literacy rate :) whatver it is..i wanna go back there soon!!
WHOA! Its one of my dreams to visit Kerala....can't waste my life by not seeing the backwaters!
And...you're back! Yoohooo!
woo da!! nice :)
abba, fina;lly you gpot that much needed fantastic hol you always wanted...!
its so beautiful yaar! ... thats my hometown, and I haven't been there for like 7 years now! :( ... and wid da hectic schedule dunno when I'll get 2 go ...
Anyways, I'm so glad u had fun yaar! Welcome back 2 da (concrete) jungle ... (actually u guys have plenty of gardens na...) :)
I wanna go on a holiday too and get pampered too :'(
Lovely pics and great post. Trust me, i'll save up to go there on my next vacation. Or do u think The Leela on the cliff would be a better option?
omg ur sooooo lucky to be in Kerala! btw WB mwahhhhhhhhhhh I missed ya!
** then saw the coconut trees...and the excitement began
awww I love those coconut trees...Sri Lanka is full of em...so beautiful and homely. Nice pics...u look absolutely relaxed and happy in that hammock pic :) So sweet!
I wanna go to Kerala some day soon...cos half of my roots belong there.
Im so happy to see u bakk...huggggggggz!
oooo u went tooo!!!!! it rocks no??????
Wow....so u finally put up a post and tht 2 with pics!
Awesome pics...have 2 admit...did U take all of them ?
Kerala is truly awesome...sigh...was reminded of my own trip a month back!
Oh yea and the roads r indeed smooth as butter...only if Bglore cud learn sumthing from it.
Hmmmm so u R gud at fotography!
Do put up ur collection online...
TC n Ciao !!
Now thats the kinda holiday i wanna go on...a complete break from everything!
Thanks everyone:) :) i feel loved *HUGS*
Its good to be back...
~ rohit- thanks! yohoo!! yeah u gotta check it out...esp cause u into photography
~ramses- hehehe...thanks...i knw!!!
wow! amazing piccies :)) sounds like u had an amazing holiday! btw, did you read my review of FPS? if not, go here http://ajanedoe.blogspot.com/2006/06/just-five-points-mr-chetan-bhagat_07.html :))
~anup- hey...not really...i hardl see the greens in blore like i used to. But make time and try and got there man..its so peaceful!
~vijayeta-hi! well the leela is a better option...i think...but u'll love it anyway:) carry ur swimsuit;)
~keshi - thanks:):) missed ya too:)
yeah u should go there...its beautiful:):)
~michelle- totally!!
~rebel- i didnt take the one with me on the hammock;p lol but thanks:) yeah will put up more pics later:)
~ekta-hi..u really should! its so...refreshing:)
i cant wait for another holiday;)
~the chosen one- thanks:) yeah it was superb. Haven read ur review...but read a bit...agree that i want ryan's no. too;) will read it when i get some time off:)
~jumping jup.-omg!!! u stayed in GOA!! im so jealous!!:( lucky bum...
beautiful pictures!
beautiful pictures!
What was the devil doing in God's own country? :D
Yes, agree. Kerala is awesomely beautiful.
Then again, I love Bangalore for what it is =)
wow!! pics says all...
so, enjoying holidays still? hw come no updates buddy?
anyways, u have a gr8 weekend ... and TC! :)
hey girl thanks for dropping by b4 I left on my break. Went to few places but not out of Syd. Was a nice long 'celebrating' week with abt 6 family/friends' bdays!
~white forest- hey thanks:)
~ubi- i know no matter what its still "HOME":)
~anup- hey! just feeling lazy..;p n dunno what to write about yet...how u?:)
~keshi- hey...thanks for explaining..was feeling really lost:P
glad u had fun:):)
~hairbraned- cute pic:)
no news posts sweety?
Wonderful photographs. Nothing to beat nature. I plan to go down south sometime in the next two years. I know my priorities now.
~chosen one and keshi....ehhhe i will:) soon... :)
~hiren- welcome:) yeah u should go ..its awesome...
Welcome to my hometown..
U have no idea how gr8 it feels wen some1 talks gud abt ur land..
good :)
hey nut... write something new!
hey girl WB huggggggz! Tnxxx for remembering me n dropping by to say Hi...ur so sweet!
Write something new now. btw check out my pics in the following posts:
Midnight Caresses
Virgin Updates
cos u wanna see me na :)
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