Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sometime back I used to wonder what is it like to be content?

We can never be content. We can never be satisfied. But I feel the satiated state can be achieved by a little self-analysis and self-observation.

What are we constantly chasing?

Who are we constantly pleasing?

Well I cant not chase or please… its natural… but I think happiness begins when we start accepting our failures, our stupidity, our shortcomings.

I cant say I’m content. But yeah…Im happy with the way things are… for now…

I know what it feels like to love and be loved.

My family is intrusive but caring lol and

I’m slowly realizing the value and non-value of friendships.

Sometimes I frown and wonder… what!? No worry? Why??!!!

Like in Roald Dahl’s book “ The problem is, there is no problem.”

Heheh.. Im really like that… so I’ve learnt to take things slowly and as they come. Enjoy the sad and bad moments. Cherish the giggles and silly conversations. And live in the good ones :)

Being content and satisfied may last only a day or two or maybe more…I guess it really depends on you…


Michelle said...

its a bittersweet symphony...thats life...

Ramses said...

:) right

Anonymous said...

I read ur blog, hmmm interesting, but satisafaction is only a feeling, its all in the mind, u could have nothing in life and be so happy and satisfied. then u could have everything and be miserable in life, its a known fact that the richest people are the most miserable. Happiness and satisfaction is not a product of money, fame , popularity, its a product of ur view on life and ur thoughts on ur life.

Babska said...

yeah... it always had and has depended on you and your own self. no matter what :)

Keshi said...

WOW great post girl. U r wise beyond ur age. I have learnt to take things slow too cos I realised that I cant hurry contentment. It has to come with time and patience.

Happy New Year Ego HUGGGGGGZ!


Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

I'm still looking for the answer...

rebel_on_loose said...

Hmmm tht ws thoughtful... :)
Life's Like That Sweetie... and ur rite... it all depends on how u take it !

Unknown said...

stopped using blogger ... now on xanga ...