I dont think you nor us could ever have prepared ourselves for this.
I hope you are happy dadu.
Happy where you are.
Happy with those people who filled your youth and old age with joy.
I was in shock, then grief, and now Im passing in between these two phases.
But I'll be fine. I'll be happy to know you are happy.
Thats all that matters.
May your soul be at peace.
You are always in my heart.
I hope I made you proud and happy.
Yours always -
In loving memory of my grandfather, who passed away on 14th September, 2007
Your ever-giving and open heart that was ready to help anyone will always be remembered and we hope to follow your footsteps.
You touched the lives of many and was loved by many many people across the country and the world.
Dadu, you left us on a festival day, a friday,and it was so quick and even though u suffered it was shorter than most people who suffer for months and years. These facts show that you were a great person who did good karma.You were so good and so kind.
Thankyou for everything.
Thankyou for teaching us so many things.
I love you. Im so proud u were my grandfather.
We love you.
We were blessed to have you among us.
he was a great great person and a beautiful one at that too...
and he may have left to move on, but he still lives in you...
may he rest in peace and happiness.
May his soul rest in peace. I know goes very difficult when some near n dear one pass away.But that's life and we have to bear with it and live with it. No one is immortal. Have courage.
i'm so sorry...and that was a wonderful piece of writing...chek out my blog for my second post...titled 'messages from the masters' it might make u feel better :)
p.s thats a very cute pic of ur dadu
Well, sorry about that. He's always there with you all...may his soul rest in peace.
may the force be with you :)
Hey, how are you now? Hope you are feeling better!
thanks for the comments guys... means alot.. hugs :)
I am sorry to know this.... Really heartfelt. Hope you have all the strength you need... Take care.
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