Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Curse of the Spider

On sunday due to house cleaning, a massive giant tarantula-like spider was found on my bed. I tried killing it and it played dead for a while. Then I freaked out seeing its long legs moving slowly... screamed... daddy strongest arrived. Killed it.

I don't usually kill spiders cause they help me kill mosquitoes etc...and they hardly occupy space to make the place icky- unlike cockroaches- anyway... but I had to kill this one cause it wasnt moving from my bed! and i was really scared it'll get inside it and crawl on me at night!

And that's exactly what happened!

They next day I found another smaller on on the edge of my bed. No wonder I had a few itches here and there on my arms!

Today was another one! or the same one.. cause I didnt kill it... got lost somewhere when I tried..
And my elbow have tiny itchy spider bites!

SO I guess its the curse of the BIG spider who I killed and its family!

But I'm still not sorry. I'd rather suffer than have a giant spider on my bed!! eeee...


Ramses said...

Curses are very intriguing.

may you get better and then sing "That's amore" :P

the_ego_has_landed said...

rams- hehe :P

Pranay said...

Hehehe.....I really don't know what to say.....:P

BD said...

LOL!! Super spider.

So, you must now be a Spider-woman...watch out for the symptoms ;)

- Ubiquitous - said...

Maybe it's Toby Maguire in disguise? ;);)

the_ego_has_landed said...

~pranay- :) smile!

~equi- lol i hope not! i'll have to save lives.. too lazy :P

~ubi- i dont think he;s cute.. so eee!:(

Rach said...

hahha!!... Daddy strongest arrived..lolz... happens everywhere!!

Funny Post!

- Ubiquitous - said...

Been exactly a month.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I am TERRIFIED of spiders!!! I probablly would have passed out or peed my pants or shreked and hyperventilated or something!!! You are a BRAVE one, Ego - I just could not have done it, but you are right it had to be done (lmao)!

So, how is the spider trouble now?

the_ego_has_landed said...

~rach- yeah! heheh :P

~ ubi- i will! and check urs too! :)

~squirmy- Hey long time girl!!Im not so brave also hehehe. I haven't had much trouble after that lol

Squeeky/Shredder/Shrads/Chirkutt said...

lol... yes thats true.... I would have killed it too and felt guilty for that split second, quickly brushing it away by justifying my protection! I hate any of these tiny creatures. They cause some weird sort of fearful inquisitiveness! I like the way your simple story has left me thoughts of Curses and Guilt.

the_ego_has_landed said...

shrads- Im glad I got ur thoughts flowing :P fearful inquisitiveness? hmmm!

Karthik said...

Ok Miss National Geographic..They help you kill mosquitoes..Hehe..i like that.LOFL! Ohh come on its no curse..all they were trying to do was to make you a Spiderwoman!

the_ego_has_landed said...

~karthik... lol spiderwoman! Well I guess it failed.. lol